I still haven't really decided my feelings on this movie, and I watched it over a week ago. I love good sports stories: Remember the Titans, Coach Carter, Glory Road. But maybe I like these movies because they actually win in the end. But in Friday Night Lights, they don't win, and that movie was tough for me to watch. I'm sure almost everyone has had their hopes high for their team to win something big, and when they lose, it just hurts. That's happened for me with the Spurs, my brother's ward basketball team, and some of my high school teams. It just sucks. So, I just don't know how to feel about this movie. I liked it because I didn't know what was going to happen. When the Oakland A's came to that 20th game, and they needed the win to break the record, I thought they were going to lose and I got all anxious. I really liked that about the movie. But when Billy Beane, the Oakland A's general manager, doesn't ever win a championship, and STILL hasn't won a championship to this day, it's just heartbreaking. I mean, why would they make a movie about this then?! Ok, so he pretty much brought that whole stats strategy to the game of baseball, but I mean, it didn't work for him, so again, why would they make this movie?! I'll just say, I was not in a happy mood by the end of it.
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